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Here are my most recent Podcast Episodes

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Why "repeat clients" are worth their CLV in gold (or bitcoin)

March 07, 20244 min read


A business without repeat clients will not survive the first year. And a business with repeat clients can last 100 years. Isn’t it strange that some salespersons feel that difficult and downright ‘ornery’ clients are not worth their best effort to serve them? Don’t they know that their salary depends on having ‘paying’ clients who keep coming back for more?

8 Reasons


David Schwartz in his timeless book, “The Magic of Thinking Big” tells about a Director of a big store who overheard a heated conversation one of his sales persons had with a client and saw that the client left the store quite angry.

Then the salesman justified himself to his colleague by saying, “I’m not going to allow a ‘2 dollar’ client waste my time and make me disorganize our shelves just to find the article he was looking for. It’s just not worth it!

The boss said to himself that things were going downhill if the sales team thought that 2 dollar clients were not worth serving politely and with courtesy. Repeat clients who regularly come back for more are the secret to profit. And he knew something from his experience that salespersons don’t realize. Often, the client generates no profit at all on the first few sales!

repeat client

These clients love buying


Things had to change!

So, he called in his accountant to do some research on the average sales per customer over one year’s time. The results surprised him. The average client brought in… can you guess?…362 dollars over a year’s time. And we are not talking about CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

Needless to say, he organized a conference on this subject and the salespersons decided to improve their behavior once they knew it WAS worth it!


This concept of repeat clients applies to online marketing too. One of my mentors Alex Jefferys, (www.marketingwithyou.com) says he knows exactly the value of each client. He makes one hundred dollars each time a client buys a low priced front end product. His “Front-end” product gives fantastic value to his clients and the price is extremely attractive (around $7 to 10). And this offer brings clients into his funnel. So, his clients get a real bargain!

On top of that, he has other affiliate marketers promote his product to their mailing list. It is like having others selling for him to bring in paying customers. Why are they motivated to do that? He gives them 100% commission on the product that took him months to create! He makes the money on the “back-end” (high ticket training and coaching products).


If you are aware of this, you will no longer consider having to serve timewasting, small spending and hostile clients as not being worth it! If you can solve their problem and be friendly about it they just might guarantee ongoing revenue for you and your family for the rest of your life!

I recently joined Devon Brown’s 12 Minute Affiliate system for one main reason. He offers 160 daily follow up emails to turn visitors into customers over time. Professionally written, these emails save you a lot of time to learn copywriting.

Devon Brown has integrated Income-producing affiliate offers into the followup sequence on your behalf. Clients want to get to know, like, and trust you and that is done by receiving mails every day. This gives them the opportunity to become repeat clients. And the key to a sustainable online income is recurring income.

Click here to find out how you can easily create online income with affiliate products.

Keep in mind how much a ‘repeat’ client is worth over your (or their) lifetime!

Check out the Press Release written to promote one of the best Affiliate Marketing Systems out there. Coronavirus Shutdown | The Day Small Business Owners Realize They Need to Expand Online

To your success,

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Andre Amsing

Digital Business Consultant

P.S. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me at andre@roadmap2success.net. I look forward to talking with you soon.

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Here are my most popular Podcast Episodes

<< Use a category of your blog to distinguish a podcast and filter only those here>>

for example, create a blog category of "Podcast", embed the player for each episode in a blog post, a give it the podcast category.

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

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Why "repeat clients" are worth their CLV in gold (or bitcoin)

March 07, 20244 min read


A business without repeat clients will not survive the first year. And a business with repeat clients can last 100 years. Isn’t it strange that some salespersons feel that difficult and downright ‘ornery’ clients are not worth their best effort to serve them? Don’t they know that their salary depends on having ‘paying’ clients who keep coming back for more?

8 Reasons


David Schwartz in his timeless book, “The Magic of Thinking Big” tells about a Director of a big store who overheard a heated conversation one of his sales persons had with a client and saw that the client left the store quite angry.

Then the salesman justified himself to his colleague by saying, “I’m not going to allow a ‘2 dollar’ client waste my time and make me disorganize our shelves just to find the article he was looking for. It’s just not worth it!

The boss said to himself that things were going downhill if the sales team thought that 2 dollar clients were not worth serving politely and with courtesy. Repeat clients who regularly come back for more are the secret to profit. And he knew something from his experience that salespersons don’t realize. Often, the client generates no profit at all on the first few sales!

repeat client

These clients love buying


Things had to change!

So, he called in his accountant to do some research on the average sales per customer over one year’s time. The results surprised him. The average client brought in… can you guess?…362 dollars over a year’s time. And we are not talking about CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

Needless to say, he organized a conference on this subject and the salespersons decided to improve their behavior once they knew it WAS worth it!


This concept of repeat clients applies to online marketing too. One of my mentors Alex Jefferys, (www.marketingwithyou.com) says he knows exactly the value of each client. He makes one hundred dollars each time a client buys a low priced front end product. His “Front-end” product gives fantastic value to his clients and the price is extremely attractive (around $7 to 10). And this offer brings clients into his funnel. So, his clients get a real bargain!

On top of that, he has other affiliate marketers promote his product to their mailing list. It is like having others selling for him to bring in paying customers. Why are they motivated to do that? He gives them 100% commission on the product that took him months to create! He makes the money on the “back-end” (high ticket training and coaching products).


If you are aware of this, you will no longer consider having to serve timewasting, small spending and hostile clients as not being worth it! If you can solve their problem and be friendly about it they just might guarantee ongoing revenue for you and your family for the rest of your life!

I recently joined Devon Brown’s 12 Minute Affiliate system for one main reason. He offers 160 daily follow up emails to turn visitors into customers over time. Professionally written, these emails save you a lot of time to learn copywriting.

Devon Brown has integrated Income-producing affiliate offers into the followup sequence on your behalf. Clients want to get to know, like, and trust you and that is done by receiving mails every day. This gives them the opportunity to become repeat clients. And the key to a sustainable online income is recurring income.

Click here to find out how you can easily create online income with affiliate products.

Keep in mind how much a ‘repeat’ client is worth over your (or their) lifetime!

Check out the Press Release written to promote one of the best Affiliate Marketing Systems out there. Coronavirus Shutdown | The Day Small Business Owners Realize They Need to Expand Online

To your success,

Author Pic

Andre Amsing

Digital Business Consultant

P.S. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me at andre@roadmap2success.net. I look forward to talking with you soon.

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7901 4th St. N. Suite 6614, St. Petersburg, FL 33702

bert@amsingassociates.com | 1-813-355-0605